Digital services for pick-up and delivery of loading units

The U CHECK app supports customers and drivers at Terminal Busto Arsizio-Gallarate with a range of digital services, accessible from Apple and Android.


The services provided:

  • Access to information on the status of the loading unit such as departure, arrival, current position and ETP Estimated Time of Pick-up, based on user authorisations
  • Sharing of the driver's arrival time at the terminal
  • Digital shift management at counter for documentation and terminal access
  • Additional terminal information such as opening hours, scheduled and/or unscheduled closures, availability of services.
Scan the QR code to open the application


New booking system: get priority for better planning

Hupac Intermodal is developing a new capacity planning process that allows to offer a better service level to the customers.

The aim is to allocate the customers' shipments to a specific train and to provide them with full and reliable information.

The new booking rules will be introduced in September 2019. They foresee three levels of priority:
1) Book and deliver early >> Get first priority for loading
2) Book later and deliver early >> Get second priority for loading
3) Book and deliver last minute >> Loading after all priority units.

For priority bookings, full information is required:
> Departure and arrival terminal
> Requested departure date
> Unit type, length, weight and code
> Estimated time of arrival at the departure terminal
With this new system, Hupac will be able to manage the priorities and allow the customers to better plan and steer the logistic flows.

Find out more in the attached flyer, and do not hesitate to get in touch for any further information you might require.
