Digital services for pick-up and delivery of loading units

The U CHECK app supports customers and drivers at Terminal Busto Arsizio-Gallarate with a range of digital services, accessible from Apple and Android.


The services provided:

  • Access to information on the status of the loading unit such as departure, arrival, current position and ETP Estimated Time of Pick-up, based on user authorisations
  • Sharing of the driver's arrival time at the terminal
  • Digital shift management at counter for documentation and terminal access
  • Additional terminal information such as opening hours, scheduled and/or unscheduled closures, availability of services.
Scan the QR code to open the application


Solving connection problems - steps & measures

Right now, connection problems are affecting a large number of companies: leading websites stopped working, service and accessibility of many companies are reduced.

These disturbances are also affecting our systems. Online operations and web-based systems are slowed down, with consequences on our regular operations in terminals und train handling. This is burdening on a situation that is already difficult because of the congestion generated by the bank holidays of the last weeks.


Our technicians are aware and working 24/7 to mitigate and resolve the IT problems. We are taking all possible steps to reduce the impact and to guarantee efficient and secure data exchange with our customers and partners.


Between others, we are implementing the following steps:

> Enhanced IT protection systems

> Stability tests and functional checks

> Alternative communication channels


We are confident to solve the issue rapidly, but cannot exclude some further IT disruptions.
