Technical support for vehicles


To access intermodal transport, vehicles must be certified for rail transport. On behalf of the customer, Hupac codifies  vehicles, ensuring compatibility between vehicles and wagons on the desired traffic route.



Since 2011, a single identification system for intermodal loading units has been in place. Containers, swap bodies and semi-trailers must have an ILU or BIC code to be accepted in unaccompanied combined transport in Europe.


The European ILU code is defined in standard EN 13044. It is used to identify non-ILU containers, swap bodies and semi-trailers in combined transport in Europe. The BIC code is a similar identifier defined in ISO 6346, which is primarily intended to identify ISO containers.


The ILU code can be requested via Our technical service is available for further clarification.


Investments in vehicles

If the customer plans to build specific vehicles for combined transport, our technical support service is available to provide technical advice and coordination with the manufacturer.


Terminal Busto Arsizio-Gallarate is preparing to handle 740 m long trains

On the weekend of 21 June, a new digital interlocking system was successfully introduced at the Busto Arsizio-Gallarate terminal. The computerised system manages all trains entering and leaving the terminal in the direction of Gallarate station. It replaces the old electromechanical system, which has been in operation since 1998.


The introduction of the new technology will allow the modification of the current Hupac pick-up and delivery tracks with a lengthening of the sidings. "By the end of 2020 the terminal will be able to handle trains 740 metres long in conjunction with the upgrade of the transalpine railway infrastructure", announces Dario Arcotti, Head of Engineering at the Hupac Group.


The new digital signalling system controls the rail traffic at the interface between the terminal and the RFI network. By the end of 2021 it will also manage the internal circulation of the entire terminal, controlling switches, signals and level crossings in a safe and flexible way.

Technical support service
